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'Anyone and Everyone Can Dance, all it takes is a bit of imagination and feeling'

About our dance classes:

We are currently running non- syllabus dance classes in Contemporary Ballet, Performance Tap, and Musical Theatre. Our classes focus not only on the childrens dancing technique and understanding, but also on developing their imagination as they come up with dance ideas for themselves. With this we witness their confidence increasing not only within dance but in their ability to communicate ideas, making friends and growing as a whole person.


Contemporary Ballet:

In our Contemporary Ballet Classes, we do lots of little exercises to develop technique followed by 20 minutes at the end of the class where we will learn a dance and the children put forward ideas about what to do in the dance or what the dance could  be called etc. At Stiddard Dance we feel it is very important that the children feel they are able to give ideas and are allowed to develop these ideas over the weeks throughout term.

Our Contemporary ballet classes run in two age groups at the moment, our Toddler Ballet class which is ages 2-4 these are half an hour classes and we use props for our dances such as colourful scarves, and ribbons this gives them more ideas to work with within the dance. Then we run classes ages 4-7, with a range of ability within this class sometimes the moves can be challenging but we encourage them to take on the challenge. These classes run Mondays and Tuesdays.


Performance Tap:

Our performance tap classes run in a simliar way to the ballet classes, we allow 20 mins at the end of the class to make up or work on a dance. I often get asked how can toddlers do tap, and I always reply saying the toddlers love it, for once they get to make as much noise as they like with their feet, we do a lot of stamping, marching, clapping, jumping and gallops. These classes run on a Monday for both age groups.


'All Singing, All Dancing' Musical Theatre:

This class involves singing and dancing to song from Musicals such as Frozen, Mary Poppins, Sound of Music, Annie and the Lion King. They are currently doing the Lion King and Frozen. This is a much more relaxed class, focusing less on technique and more on the enjoyment of dancing and singing, it has a very different vibe about it than the ballet and tap. A good class for those who have tried ballet or tap before elsewhere and not enjoyed it. This Class runs on a Tuesday evening at 5pm.


All who are interested may recieve one free trial class.

Fees are paid per term but are the equivalent of £5 for a 45 minute class.



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